Shubhang Bhatnagar

Hi, I am Shubhang Bhatnagar, a third year PhD student in the Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am grateful to be advised by Prof. Narendra Ahuja .

Broadly, I am interested in computer vision, machine learning and their applications.

Previously, I completed my Dual degree (B.Tech + M.Tech) in electrical engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, where I was awarded the Institute Silver medal for graduating at the top of my batch. In my Master's thesis, I worked on developing label efficient deep learning techniques advised by Prof. Amit Sethi.

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Potential Field Based Deep Metric Learning

Shubhang Bhatnagar, Narendra Ahuja
abstract / project page / arxiv preprint

Deep metric learning (DML) involves training a network to learn a semantically meaningful representation space. Many current approaches mine n-tuples of examples and model interactions within each tuplets. We present a novel, compositional DML model, inspired by electrostatic fields in physics that, instead of in tuples, represents the influence of each example (embedding) by a continuous potential field, and superposes the fields to obtain their combined global potential field. We use attractive/repulsive potential fields to represent interactions among embeddings from images of the same/different classes. Contrary to typical learning methods, where mutual influence of samples is proportional to their distance, we enforce reduction in such influence with distance, leading to a decaying field. We show that such decay helps improve performance on real world datasets with large intra-class variations and label noise. Like other proxy-based methods, we also use proxies to succinctly represent sub-populations of examples. We evaluate our method on three standard DML benchmarks- Cars-196, CUB-200-2011, and SOP datasets where it outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.

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Improving Multi-label Recognition using Class Co-Occurrence Probabilities

Shubhang Bhatnagar*, Samyak Rawlekar* , Vishnuvardhan Pogunulu Srinivasulu, Narendra Ahuja
CVPRW 2024
abstract / project page / extended arxiv

Multi-label Recognition (MLR) involves the identification of multiple objects within an image. To address the additional complexity of this problem, recent works have leveraged information from vision-language models (VLMs) trained on large text-images datasets for the task. These methods learn an independent classifier for each object (class), overlooking correlations in their occurrences. Such co-occurrences can be captured from the training data as conditional probabilities between a pair of classes. We propose a framework to extend the independent classifiers by incorporating the co-occurrence information for object pairs to improve the performance of independent classifiers. We use a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to enforce the conditional probabilities between classes, by refining the initial estimates derived from image and text sources obtained using VLMs. We validate our method on four MLR datasets, where our approach outperforms all state-of-the-art methods.

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Piecewise-Linear Manifolds for Deep Metric Learning

Shubhang Bhatnagar, Narendra Ahuja
Conference on Parsimony and Learning (CPAL) , 2024 (Oral)
abstract / project page / paper

Unsupervised deep metric learning (UDML) focuses on learning a semantic representation space using only unlabeled data. This challenging problem requires accurately estimating the similarity between data points, which is used to supervise a deep network. For this purpose, we propose to model the high-dimensional data manifold using a piecewise-linear approximation, with each low-dimensional linear piece approximating the data manifold in a small neighborhood of a point. These neighborhoods are used to estimate similarity between data points. We empirically show that this similarity estimate correlates better with the ground truth than the similarity estimates of current state-of-the-art techniques. We also show that proxies, commonly used in supervised metric learning, can be used to model the piecewise-linear manifold in an unsupervised setting, helping improve performance. Our method outperforms existing unsupervised metric learning approaches on standard zero-shot image retrieval benchmarks.

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Long-Distance Gesture Recognition using Dynamic Neural Networks

Shubhang Bhatnagar, Sharath Gopal , Narendra Ahuja , Liu Ren
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , 2023
abstract / project page / paper / arxiv

Gestures form an important medium of communication between humans and machines. An overwhelming majority of existing gesture recognition methods are tailored to a scenario where humans and machines are located very close to each other. This short-distance assumption does not hold true for several types of interactions, for example gesture-based interactions with a floor cleaning robot or with a drone. Methods made for short-distance recognition are unable to perform well on long-distance recognition due to gestures occupying only a small portion of the input data. Their performance is especially worse in resource constrained settings where they are not able to effectively focus their limited compute on the gesturing subject. We propose a novel, accurate and efficient method for the recognition of gestures from longer distances. It uses a dynamic neural network to select features from gesturecontaining spatial regions of the input sensor data for further processing. This helps the network focus on features important for gesture recognition while discarding background features early on, thus making it more compute efficient compared to other techniques. We demonstrate the performance of our method on the LD-ConGR long-distance dataset where it outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on recognition accuracy and compute efficiency.

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PAL: Pretext based Active Learning

Shubhang Bhatnagar, Sachin Goyal, Darshan Tank, Amit Sethi
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2021
abstract / project page / paper / code

The goal of pool-based active learning is to judiciously select a fixed-sized subset of unlabeled samples from a pool to query an oracle for their labels, in order to maximize the accuracy of a supervised learner. However, the unsaid requirement that the oracle should always assign correct labels is unreasonable for most situations. We propose an active learning technique for deep neural networks that is more robust to mislabeling than the previously proposed techniques. Previous techniques rely on the task network itself to estimate the novelty of the unlabeled samples, but learning the task (generalization) and selecting samples (out-of-distribution detection) can be conflicting goals. We use a separate network to score the unlabeled samples for selection. The scoring network relies on self-supervision for modeling the distribution of the labeled samples to reduce the dependency on potentially noisy labels. To counter the paucity of data, we also deploy another head on the scoring network for regularization via multi-task learning and use an unusual self-balancing hybrid scoring function. Furthermore, we divide each query into sub-queries before labeling to ensure that the query has diverse samples. In addition to having a higher tolerance to mislabeling of samples by the oracle, the resultant technique also produces competitive accuracy in the absence of label noise. The technique also handles the introduction of new classes on-the-fly well by temporarily increasing the sampling rate of these classes. We make our code publicly available at https://

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Analyzing Cross Validation in Compressed Sensing with Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Measurement Noise with L1 Errors

Shubhang Bhatnagar*, Chinmay Gurjarpadhye*, Ajit Rajwade
European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),
abstract / paper / extended arxiv

Compressed sensing (CS) involves sampling signals at rates less than their Nyquist rates and attempting to reconstruct them after sample acquisition. Most such algorithms have parameters, for example the regularization parameter in LASSO, which need to be chosen carefully for optimal performance. These parameters can be chosen based on assumptions on the noise level or signal sparsity, but this knowledge may often be unavailable. In such cases, cross validation (CV) can be used to choose these parameters in a purely data-driven fashion. Previous work analyzing the use of CV in CS has been based on the ℓ2 cross-validation error with Gaussian measurement noise. But it is well known that the ℓ2 error is not robust to impulse noise and provides a poor estimate of the recovery error, failing to choose the best parameter. Here we propose using the ℓ1−CV error which provides substantial performance benefits given impulse measurement noise. Most importantly, we provide a detailed theoretical analysis and error bounds for the use of ℓ1−CV error in CS reconstruction. We show that with high probability, choosing the parameter that yields the minimum ℓ1−CV error is equivalent to choosing the minimum recovery error (which is not observable in practice). To our best knowledge, this is the first paper which theoretically analyzes ℓ1 -based CV in CS.

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Insights on coding gain and its properties for principal component filter banks

Prasad Chaphekar, Aniket Bhatia,Shubhang Bhatnagar, Abhiraj Kanse, Ashish V Vanmali, Vikram M Gadre
Sādhanā , Journal of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 2023
abstract / paper

Principal Component Filter Bank (PCFB) is considered optimal in terms of coding gain for specicconditions. P P Vaidyanathan stated that coding gain does not necessarily always increase with the increase inthe number of bands. However, very few attempts are made in the literature to go beyond the connes of work done by P P Vaidyanathan. We present analytic proofs for the monotonicity of specic shapes of PSDs. This papers also derives properties of coding gain of PCFBs, which brings the new insights on the coding gain of Principal Component Filter Banks.

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QR Code Denoising using Parallel Hopfield Networks

Shubhang Bhatnagar*, Ishan Bhatnagar*
Arxiv , 2018
abstract / arxiv

We propose a novel algorithm for using Hopfield networks to denoise QR codes. Hopfield networks have mostly been used as a noise tolerant memory or to solve difficult combinatorial problems. One of the major drawbacks in their use in noise tolerant associative memory is their low capacity of storage, scaling only linearly with the number of nodes in the network. A larger capacity therefore requires a larger number of nodes, thereby reducing the speed of convergence of the network in addition to increasing hardware costs for acquiring more precise data to be fed to a larger number of nodes. Our paper proposes a new algorithm to allow the use of several Hopfield networks in parallel thereby increasing the cumulative storage capacity of the system many times as compared to a single Hopfield network. Our algorithm would also be much faster than a larger single Hopfield network with the same total capacity. This enables their use in applications like denoising QR codes, which we have demonstrated in our paper. We then test our network on a large set of QR code images with different types of noise and demonstrate that such a system of Hopfield networks can be used to denoise and recognize QR codes in real time.

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Memory Efficient Adaptive Attention For Multiple Domain Learning

Himanshu Pradeep Aswani, Abhiraj Sunil Kanse, Shubhang Bhatnagar, Amit Sethi
Arxiv , 2021
abstract / arxiv

We propose a novel algorithm for using Hopfield networks to denoise QR codes. Hopfield networks have mostly been used as a noise tolerant memory or to solve difficult combinatorial problems. One of the major drawbacks in their use in noise tolerant associative memory is their low capacity of storage, scaling only linearly with the number of nodes in the network. A larger capacity therefore requires a larger number of nodes, thereby reducing the speed of convergence of the network in addition to increasing hardware costs for acquiring more precise data to be fed to a larger number of nodes. Our paper proposes a new algorithm to allow the use of several Hopfield networks in parallel thereby increasing the cumulative storage capacity of the system many times as compared to a single Hopfield network. Our algorithm would also be much faster than a larger single Hopfield network with the same total capacity. This enables their use in applications like denoising QR codes, which we have demonstrated in our paper. We then test our network on a large set of QR code images with different types of noise and demonstrate that such a system of Hopfield networks can be used to denoise and recognize QR codes in real time.

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